Cetta Barnhart

Cetta is a wife of 24 years and mother of 3 children, Antoine, who lives in Gainesville with his wife Verdell and their 3 boys, and her two daughters Richlyn and Richelle. Her decision to attend Florida A&M University brought her to Florida from Philadelphia, PA. From there she has built a full life over the past 30 years.

Cetta has over 20 years’ experience in the field of health and family services. Her Florida career started in the Department of Health, Maternal and Child Health Division and was complete after working with the Jefferson, Madison and Taylor (JMT) Healthy Start Coalition. As a Health Educator, she conducted childbirth education classes which later expanded into providing labor and postpartum doulas services, and lactation consultations through the development of True Blue Doulas.

The True Blue Doula Program, sponsored by the Blue Foundation and the Ounce of Prevention through the JMT Health Start Coalition was responsible for assisting over 200 women through their process of birth. Cetta hired, had trained and managed a team of 15 women who provided the services throughout the 3-county area. That program gave her the tools and skills needed to expand into her own entrepreneurial endeavors.

Having married into a farming family in Monticello, she observed a need to assist farmers in getting more of their produce to market, thus, Seed Time Harvest Farms was created. This grocery bag delivery service brings fresh produce from local farms and vendors to the doors of families and businesses in the Jefferson, Leon and the surrounding areas.

As Seed Time Harvest Farms is a seasonal operation, she fills the rest of her days sharing information on wealth risk management and family protections through her services with New York Life Insurance Company. She believes that “life insurance is one of the oldest hidden secrets for building and protecting wealth for individuals and their families when the proper use of knowledge and time is applied”.

Cetta is a teacher at heart and loves to share what she knows with others. Her life’s experiences are vast being the city girl living in the county. But she wouldn’t have it any other way.