Dr. Kathleen L. Rodgers

Dr. Kathleen L. Rodgers is a native of St. Thomas U.S. Virgin Islands and has worked within the Leon County School District for over 30 years. She currently serves as the Assistant Superintendent for the Office of Prevention, Intervention, Equity and Support Services where she has oversight for DJJ, Foster Care, Homelessness, DCF, Attendance and Discipline. Dr. Rodgers also serves as the District’s Equity Officer for students and the Title IX Coordinator. She works with a servant’s heart and has a passion for the disenfranchised, underprivileged and underserved. Working with the CCYS Board allows her to connect her “gems” with additional opportunities and resources in the community that put them on a path of success. Her diverse background and experiences as a parent, teacher, assistant principal, principal and district administrator, help to shape her contributions and reaffirm her commitment to the CCYS organization.